Tomorrow's World of Work promises exciting challenges and change! Check here for the buzz on Careers Education, Information and Guidance available nationally, locally, and in school. Employment and training opportunities, together with information on events, open days and useful websites. No responsibility is taken for the content of external websites referred to.
Mrs Shaw, Careers Coordinator

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Dragons’ Apprentice Challenge 2014

If you are about to join Year 12, read this!
This annual challenge encourages schools, businesses and charities to work together. Through volunteering it offers young people the opportunity to put their entrepreneurial ideas to the test and helps develop work related skills. It is organised for Dacorum Schools by Community Action Dacorum.
Teams of 16 year olds are challenged to turn £100 into £1,000+. Each team has a local business mentor (their dragon) and is paired with a local charity. Supported by their dragons, the teams develop business ideas with the aim of earning money for their charities. All profits made by the teams go directly to their allocated charities.

Last year the Cavendish team won the Challenge Award for working most closely with their charity, having raised over £1200 for Radio Dacorum, supported by Steria (the team’s business mentor). The team worked hard to organise several events, faced real business issues and developed their own skills and confidence. Facilitation and support in school is through Mrs Shaw.
If you want to be part of this exciting experience, save the date on Tues 24th Sept (5.30-6.30) when this year’s challenge will be launched, and look out for more news soon.  More information here (from CVS St Albans, who initiated this project 4 years ago).