Tomorrow's World of Work promises exciting challenges and change! Check here for the buzz on Careers Education, Information and Guidance available nationally, locally, and in school. Employment and training opportunities, together with information on events, open days and useful websites. No responsibility is taken for the content of external websites referred to.
Mrs Shaw, Careers Coordinator

Thursday 23 May 2013

Volunteers wanted for Reach Out Plus this summer

Volunteers are wanted by Reach Out Plus, a charity that seeks to create opportunities that change people's lives.   The ReachOut Plus  Enable Programme features canal based residential trips aboard our wide beam canal boats, residential canoeing weekend based at our Nash Mills boat base in Hemel Hempstead, and sailing and water sports activities at Grafham Water which will be residential at our centre at Chellington, Bedfordshire. The canal boat Enable trips will cater for six young people with special needs and either five or six volunteer carers/crew. The Sailing and Water sports weeks will cater for up to twelve young people and six volunteer supporters.
Several dates are available from June to October.
Enable Volunteer Requirements:
·               Volunteers are not required to pay for their place on Enable although any donations would be gratefully received.
·               All volunteers will need to be 16+ (younger people will be considered in exceptional circumstances.)
·         All volunteers will need CRB clearance.
Click here for more information on this programme, and here for the website where you can apply (scroll down to the section on applying to volunteer).