Tomorrow's World of Work promises exciting challenges and change! Check here for the buzz on Careers Education, Information and Guidance available nationally, locally, and in school. Employment and training opportunities, together with information on events, open days and useful websites. No responsibility is taken for the content of external websites referred to.
Mrs Shaw, Careers Coordinator

Monday, 16 December 2013

Career in investment banking?

Pure Potential have sent this message:
Morgan Stanley Insight Opportunities
Leading investment bank Morgan Stanley would like to invite a selection of our brightest female sixth formers from London and the home counties to apply to their two insight opportunities listed below.

Step In, Step Up (18 – 20 February 2014)– Year 12 and 13 students
A three-day insight experience specifically aimed to give you the opportunity to explore working life at one of the world’s leading investment banks.

Applications close on 1st January 2014

The Open Day (22 July 2014) – Year 13 students
An insight day where you will learn about the various divisions within the bank, and have the unique chance to network with leading professionals.

Applications close on 2nd June 2014

If you are interested in developing your knowledge of the financial sector then these events will provide the perfect opportunity. Morgan Stanley is one of the world’s leading investment banks – having such a prestigious firm on your CV or personal statement will be hugely beneficial when it comes to applying to university and securing future work placements and paid employment. Places are limited so we strongly encourage you to apply as soon as possible.

For more information about both events and instructions on how to apply, please visit: When you apply, please mention Pure Potential in your covering letter.

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