Lots of parent slips coming in, thank you! Several students seem to be looking for placements in sport-related work, and I have to tell you that not many people find placements like that. Some do, but normally only if they find their own - I am very unlikely to have sport-related placements on the Link2 list (available in the Spring). Sport-related is a very small employment sector, especially for work where students can go on placement. Keep looking and asking, but keep your mind open also to placements which offer similar opportunities : busy, hands-on, team-work, showing initiative. Think about what it is about sport you really like, and apply that to a more accessible work place. The work experience will be just as valid on your CV and give you a chance to sample a different type of work. The same goes for those that want to work in healthcare-related settings. Welcome to the real world!
Interesting article on Icould.com about working in sport.
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