Tomorrow's World of Work promises exciting challenges and change! Check here for the buzz on Careers Education, Information and Guidance available nationally, locally, and in school. Employment and training opportunities, together with information on events, open days and useful websites. No responsibility is taken for the content of external websites referred to.
Mrs Shaw, Careers Coordinator

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Year 10 work experience

Lots of parent slips coming in, thank you!  Several students seem to be looking for placements in sport-related work, and I have to tell you that not many people find placements like that.  Some do, but normally only if they find their own - I am very unlikely to have sport-related placements on the Link2 list (available in the Spring).  Sport-related is a very small employment sector, especially for work where students can go on placement.  Keep looking and asking, but keep your mind open also to placements which offer similar opportunities : busy, hands-on, team-work, showing initiative.  Think about what it is about sport you really like, and apply that to a more accessible work place.  The work experience will be just as valid on your CV and give you a chance to sample a different type of work.  The same goes for those that want to work in healthcare-related settings.  Welcome to the real world!
Interesting article on about working in sport.

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